
Keine Galerie was born from the idea to make St. Ulrichsplatz more colorful and give something back to the neighborhood. Keine Galerie has no opening hours and is open to everyone at any time. An unpretentious, urban stage for artists and creatives of the city, where they can connect with their fellow human beings.

Keine Galerie was born from the idea to make St. Ulrichsplatz more colorful and give something back to the neighborhood. Keine Galerie has no opening hours and is open to everyone at any time. An unpretentious, urban stage for artists and creatives of the city, where they can connect with their fellow human beings.

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Flowsofly exhibition

About Keine Galerie

About Keine Galerie

As part of this neighbourhood,

we want to support the local community by making our surroundings just a bit nicer.

Therefore, we created Keine Galerie, a platform for artists and a place for people to come together.

What better home for art than a historic, picturesque place like this.

Come and take a second for yourself.

Don’t rush. Enjoy.

Keine Eile. Geniesst es.

As part of this neighbourhood,
we want to support the local community by making our surroundings just a bit nicer.

Therefore, we created Keine Galerie, a platform for artists and a place for people to come together.

What better home for art than a historic, picturesque place like this.

Come and take a second for yourself.

Don’t rush. Enjoy.

Keine Eile. Geniesst es.

As part of this neighbourhood,
we want to support the local community by making our surroundings just a bit nicer.

Therefore, we created Keine Galerie, a platform for artists and a place for people to come together.

What better home for art than a historic, picturesque place like this.

Come and take a second for yourself.

Don’t rush. Enjoy.

Keine Eile. Geniesst es.

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© 2024 Keine Galerie

© 2024 Keine Galerie